Saturday, 25 January 2014

Volume 12 Chapter 45 Release!

I had the lovely Dragonkitty and Otakumommy help me out with the typesetting on this one! Thanks so much!!

Chapter 44 - Link
Chapter 45 - Link
Chapter 46
Chapter 47


  1. Ahhh! Thank you so much! <3

  2. Hi!
    Just wanted to say thank you for continuing this manga! I started reading this when it first came out and I was so sad when the previous group dropped this project. So thank you for continuing this series! Keep up the great work. :)

  3. On a whim (and with hope) I did a search to see if B.O.D.Y volume 11 was published (or goung to be published) and then I saw that someone (YOU) posted chapters from 11 and I was so happy! I thought I would never be able to continue this manga after I read my copy of volume 10 and couldn't find any news of 11 being published in English or scans online from the volume so thank-you so much dear! You honestly made my day and then to find out you had posted chapters from 12 too? I just...really thank-you so much for doing all this work to share the read of B.O.D.Y with those of us who can't buy it in English :).
