Saturday, 8 February 2014

Volume 12 Chapter 47 release! (Full volume)

Here is chapter 47! Thanks to Dragonkitty and Janneke for helping out!! Can't believe Volume 12 is completed already!

Mediafire wasn't cooperating so I've uploaded to Dropbox this time.

Also, I realised that something is off about the chapters because the next one (according to the manga) is actually chapter 50. And I have it as chapter 48. But to avoid confusion I will just leave it as chapter 48 and keep the current chapter numbers that I have.

Chapter 44 - Link
Chapter 45 - Link
Chapter 46 - Link
Chapter 47 - Link | Link
Full volume - Link


  1. Thanks a lot ¨******************** I have been looking for this manga since forever, I even tried to find some web that sold the las5 volumes online without any luck. So thanks a ot for the work and to bring us this manga after so long.
